Cucumber is one of the most grown summer vegetable sown mostly under different type of tunnels especially in walk in tunnels and consumed mostly fresh in salads. For cucumber cultivation dry climate is required, hot days and nights are preferred it thrives at about 30 o C.
Production Statistics:
 Area under cucumber cultivation is 3381 hectares and production is 54288 tons (FAO 2016).
Cucumberâs production mostly starts from February but these days due to increasing temperature conditions it can be sown all around the year, sown at different times like in March, April, August, October or December in different type of tunnels with different type of covering materials like anti insect nets, spun bonds or polythene. As mentioned before it is grown mostly in tunnels so thatâs why planted on rows or on furrows edges placing each seed 15-18 inches apart on rows and rows are about 1.5-2 ft apart from each other and bed size which is used is about 2.5-3 ft wide. About 900-950 seeds are required for a tunnel to be planted and in an acre there are consecutive 14 or more tunnels are present if each tunnel is separated by 4 ft distance then there would be lesser number of tunnels in an acre hence number of seeds are calculated likewise.
Irrigation is mostly done by drip method because it is the most efficient way of irrigation and its frequency depends upon the surrounding climate conditions according to these it can varies. But due to some circumstances like if land is not suitable or due to some other factors
furrow or flood irrigation is also practiced.
Cultural Practices:
Cultural practices includes from land preparation starting from green manuring to further operations like harrowing or ploughing etc., then land preparation either manually or mechanically, then seed sowing then irrigation and further weeds control either by plugging them out by labor or by mulching afterwards it do also engages vine trellising via fruit netting and then fruit thinning, spraying chemicals and as like other procedures like harvesting. After all that there are some post cultural practices like bagging of fruits according to market demands and at last marketing.
Diseases and Pests:
Cucumber is being attacked by many fungal and bacterial diseases like âDamping Offâ is a fungal disease causes rottning of basal stem above from the root for that any fungicide like Topsin M can be used, âAnthracnoseâ which yellowing of the leaves and develop yellow or blackish spots or shows as like symptoms, sometimes Powdery mildew also do suffers plants by developing powdery white spots on top of the leaves. And in disorders some plants shows viral infection as mosaic and symptoms are stunted growth of plant, leaves turn down and fruit become deformed and off colored color. Whitefly is a serious pest found in cucumber. Females fly lay eggs in fruits. Later on
maggots feed on pulp afterward fruits starts rotting and get drop. Second most important insect pest is thrips are tiny creamy white in color. This causes severe damage to the plant by deformation and silvery patches. Extreme thrip infestations can kill your cucumber plant, but the correct control methods can eliminate thrips without harming your plant.