Tomato is an economically attractive and short duration crop. Tomato fruits are quite rich in minerals, used as a fresh, cooked and in the processing industry.
Production Statistics:
 An area under tomato crop has increased from 27.9 to 50 thousand hectares and production has increased from 268.8 to 476.8 thousand tons. The present national yield of tomatoes based on ten years average is 10.1 tonnes/ha which is quite low. To obtain a potential yield, high yielding varieties and improved production technology have to be adopted.
Due to varying climatic conditions in Pakistan, there is a wide range in sowing times.
Nursery Raising:
In Punjab sowing of nursery starts from 1st week of Oct, then Nov and then 1st or 2nd week of March. In April, July-August and Sep-Oct or Nov-Dec nurseries are sown in KPK, Baluchistan and Sindh respectively. To sow a nursery about 8000 seeds are required by an acre, but this no. of plants can be varied according to climate and region. For that purpose locally a small of land is prepared with well rotten FYM or using other media. After preparing the land direct seeds are sown or germination trays or paper bags of about 6 inches size are filled and seeds are sown in. Transplanting: All of these nurseries are transplanted after about a month or more or at 6-8 leaf stage. Before transplanting acclimatization is done by letting plants to direct sun light and hardening of plants by lessening irrigation water and nutrients or by giving them stress. Always transplant at evening which will let plants root establish quite nicely. For that purpose land is
prepared with well rotten FYM or by green manuring and then by adding  basal dose of 1-2 bags of DAP and 1 bag of SOP, these fertilizers can also be varied according to climate and region. Nicely prepared beds which are about 36 inch wide and 4 inch high and separated by 5-ft distance and plants are sown 2-2.5 ft apart on both edges of the beds. Then irrigated. From the beginning tomato plants needs 18-27 o C.
Irrigation is mostly done by drip method because it is the most efficient way of irrigation and its frequency depends upon the surrounding climate conditions according to these it can varies. But due to some circumstances like if land is not suitable or due to some other factors
furrow or flood irrigation is also practiced. Cultural Practices: Cultural practices includes from land preparation starting from green manuring to further operations like harrowing or ploughing etc., then land preparation either manually or mechanically, then seed sowing then irrigation and further weeds control either by plugging them out by labor or by mulching afterwards it do also engages vine trellising via ropes (tie one end at base of the stem near the ground and other one with structure or a rope passing across) and then fruit thinning or pruning, spraying chemicals and as like other procedures like harvesting. After all that there are some post cultural practices like bagging of fruits according to market demands and at last marketing. Diseases and pests: Fusarium wilt is characterized by a yellowing and drying of the leaves specially the older ones. Bacterial wilt causes plants to wilt during the day sometimes stems exude a gummy,
yellow mass of bacteria. These are controlled by the use of disease resistant cultivars and disease free seed. The crop rotation should be followed and diseased plants should be disposed of. Damping off attacks nursery seedlings at the surface of the soil, causing the stems to shrivel and the plants to fall over. Some viral diseases of tomatoes are tobacco mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus. Sanitation and control of vectors can reduce the spread of viruses.
    Insects, such as whitefly and aphids cause physical damage only when they occur in large numbers. However, they may transmit viruses, which can cause much greater damage. Whitefly feeds, just like the larvae, on the leaf sap. They lay eggs on the underside of the leaves. Aphids pose direct damage to the youngest leaves and stems; in addition aphids also transmit several viruses.